Welcome to the second annual Klementi Voroshilov Scenario design contest!

This year's contest centers around the Soviet landings at Grigor'evka on the Black Sea in September of 1941.

First, I suggest reading my background notes in these posts:
Researching a Scenario's Terrain
Researching a Scenario's Units
Research Done, Finding the Right Situation
Some Assembly Required

Then, here is a copy of my completed scenario.

This is also a helpful English language historical resource.

The only rules are that it must be your own scenario (or an acknowledged collaboration), be within the dates of 10/21/1941 and 11/2/1941 and be near the Black Sea Coast east of Odessa.

Please send:
Name of all scenario designers involved, emails.

If it has been playtested, by whom and how many times.  In fact, a write up of the development process may get you extra points.

A copy of the scenario as a PDF file and as an open office format file.

I'll assemble a group of expert scenario designers as judges.

A statement releasing the scenario for publication on Klementi Voroshilov.

Cut off date for materials is December 31, 2019!


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