Octoberfest Pack has Arrived!

I received the ASL Action Pack #14 yesterday--great, fast shipping from MMP.  But man, shipping costs are freaking killing me.  $24 for the Pack.  $24 for shipping.

Quick review of what you get.

Maps.  Two maps.  One doublewide, one traditional.  Map 84 has a big hill over half of it and a little village on the other half.  Lots and lots of hedges.  Since this pack is sort of a Normandy pack, that makes sense.  Time to re-read those bocage rules.

Map 12a/b is a typical French village (and I should know) surrounded by farmland and with a long gully.  I suspect this will get a lot of use by scenario designers.  Again, lots of hedges and it is a map that really is indicative of Northern France.  It isn't an Eastern Front map (except maybe for 1945.

Scenarios.  First, I state that there is a mini-campaign included.  It encompasses two of the Pete Shelling scenarios included.  I kind of like this idea and Pete's scenarios are generally favorites of mine.  There's no RG group purchases and it is just the two scenarios connected, but it is a way of extending two short scenarios into one long one.

Scenario 132 Night of Nights.  Band of Brothers.  Parachute drop (kind of).  Anti-aircraft guns firing into the sky.  And of course it is a night scenario.  I believe this one will be a favorite if the Germans aren't always winning this one.  Chief attraction:  Excellent scenario name.  Chief detraction:  My stoopid brain disease prevents me from easily recalling night rules.

Scenario 133  Two the Hard Way.  Time to break out Zeb Doyle's excellent article on bunker busting.  As the Amis, you have to smash German bunkers and, of course, as the German you have to prevent this.  Chief attraction:  Demo charges.  Chief detraction:  Doesn't look very fun to play as the German.

Scenario 134  Death Takes a Toll.  Who cares, it's deluxe.

Scenario 135  Fuller's Folly.  Second line Americans vs. Fallschirmjaeger.  Light infantry slugging it out for a hill covered with bocage.  Chief attraction:  Part of the campaign game.  Chief detraction:  Seems like a trap for people who haven't read bocage rules five times.

Scenario 136  Second to None.  Same as scenario 135, but this time the Amis get a tank.  Chief attraction:  After losing scenario 135 because you don't understand how bocage effects different level LOS, you have a chance in this one.  Chief attraction:  End of the campaign game.  Chief detraction:  Killing second line Americans is fun and easy.

Scenario 137  Fear Naught.  Panthers vs. Churchills.  Scots attack German children.  The Panther vs. Churchills is a winning duel and great fun (for the Germans.)  Hopefully, after Brexit and Scottish independence, MMP will give the Scots new counters.  Chief attraction:  Love killing Churchills and Hitler Youth.  Chief detraction:  Creepy barrage.  Scenario named fear naught.  Get it?  Too many UK leaders.

Scenario 139 Emergency Surgery.  Hiding in hedgerows.  Germans stop a fast American column that gets help from a FFI unit.  Chief attraction: FFI.  Jojo sez:  GREYHOUND!  Chief detraction:  Strange vehicle rules.

Scenario 138  Red Horse Recon.  Another fast American column gets ambushed by Ukrainians and SS--flamethrower toting SS.  Chief attraction:  MORE GREYHOUNDS!  Chief detraction:  Bocage.  Kindling is not allowed.

Scenario 140  Misty Morning Mayhem.  The tables turned, the Germans stumble into an American anti-tank blockade.  Chief Attraction:  Scenario title which reminds me of a Mommas and Poppas song.  Chief detraction: LAH pussies.

Scenario 141 Currie's Favor.  Mmmm...curry.  Canadians!  Finally!  Germans get to blow up Canadian tanks.  Chief Attraction:  Who doesn't love Canadians.  Chief detraction:  Am I missing something?  Why does it matter what type of vehicle acts as a scrounged wreck?

Scenario 142  The Closer.  Extra points for the baseball reference.  I know Pete Shelling is an Indians fan, so I will immediately take those points back.  Firefly takes on a bunch of big cats.  More Scots.  This is a follow on from Scenario 141.  Chief attraction:  Firefly.  (Do they really get a ROF?)  Chief detraction:  I'm afraid the Scots are in for some red-ass on this one.

Scenario 143  Late for Chow.  Americans vs. Fallschirmjaegers.  This time, it's stripped down.  I like it for its minimalist qualities.  Kudos to Pete for keepin' shit REAL.  Chief attraction:  Wholesome ASL fun for the whole family.  Chief detraction:  Fallschirmjaeger wear stupid looking helmets.

So there you have it.  Pretty good run down of the scenario pack.  I like the value, but yikes, the shipping.  If you are an American, buy this as soon as possible.  If you are British, buy this before your currency becomes replaceable with Charmin wet wipes.  Everybody else, wait until you see it at a tournament.


Robin Reeve said…
Secondchancegames can make you save some money, especially if you are i e EU.
Pete Shelling said…
Thanks, Tim. I think you hint at one of the best deliberate design decisions of this pack: there should something for most everyone. Whether you like night, Deluxe, tank duels, or infantry-only ASL purity. Yes, all of the scenarios have some bocage, but in a few (such as Currie's Favor), bocage plays only a small role and you won't mess up the game too much if you aren't an expert. On the other hand, Fuller's Folly will challenge even the most veteran hedgerow hopper. And I may use the 'micro CG' concept in some future sets.
Pete Shelling said…
And I beleive one must specify the wreck type in case any of you pyromaniacs want to shoot it and set it ablaze (and kill any remaining Nazis trying to hide out inside and escape to Argentina after the war.) MMP always makes me put that in.

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